Adult Confirmation
Adults who have been baptized in the Catholic Church and have received Reconciliation and First Communion, but have not received Confirmation, are welcome to participate in a series of meetings in preparation for the sacrament.
Contact: Parish Office
Baptismal Prep.
First-time parents must attend a special program in preparation for their child's baptism to learn about the significance of the sacrament and the responsibilities of Catholic parenthood. Volunteers are invited to join the ministry team and share their experience of Christian parenting.
Contact: Parish Office
Bible Study
Adult Bible Study is available at different times throughout the year. Join your fellow parishioners to read and study scripture.
Contact: Parish Office
Sunday Pre-School
This program is provided for children ages 3 to 5 on Sunday during the 8:30 a.m. Mass. The goal is to help a child develop the sense of a loving God, who wants us to be joyful people.
Contact: Parish Office