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Finance Council

The finance council exists to offer guidance to the pastor in the business and financial affairs of the parish. Members of finance council must be experts in the areas of finance, law, or business. They are selected by the pastor, and serve for a limited term. The parish publishes an annual fiscal report to the parish, as well as several internal reports to the Diocese of Cleveland.

Roster of Members
Contact Finance Council

Adam Andolina

Elizabeth Konschak

Ryan Morrissey

Nick Soder

Kate Tompkins


Fr. Adam Zajac

Business Manager

Teresa Purenciu-Winans


Karen Cocita

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Contact Information


(216) 226-7577

Staff directory

Parish Office Hours


Monday - Friday

9:00am - 4:00pm


Closed for lunch




15800 Montrose Ave.

Cleveland, OH  44111

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