Homebound Visits
Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound
Eucharistic Ministers are needed to take Holy Communion to those who are not able to be with us for the weekend celebrations of the Mass because they are homebound or in nursing homes. Spending some additional time with the individual is also greatly appreciated.
Please contact Dianne Gorsek if interested in Homebound Visits
Emmaus Partners
During the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us saw our lives limited by the state's Stay At Home Order. It was strange for us to not go anywhere except by necessity. But there are parishioners here at St. Mark who have had this experience for much, much longer before us. They are the homebound parishioners, our own neighbors who due to age or infirmity simply can't leave their homes often or at all, and for some this has been their life for years.
From this common experience St. Mark is beginning a new ministry to share life with those who are homebound and to love our neighbors in a new way through the forming of relationships that might never have an opportunity to form otherwise. It branches off of St. Mark's Homebound Ministry. The goal of this new ministry is to pair young families with 70+ seniors who are homebound or still moderately active. This ministry is not just for the seniors, but is a two- way relationship; the seniors have much to offer to the young families as well!
For more information please see the Emmaus Partner Info Flyer