Prayer Intentions
Please pray for the names below, who have asked for our prayers. To add an intention for yourself or a loved one, please call the Parish Office.
Pray for our Sick
Gianna Andolina
Jack Behnke
Katy Brent
Henry Buehner
James Coyne
Nicole Foerstner
Mary Frantz
Theresa Fridrich
Irene Gurchensky
David Kurth
Jim McIlwee
Mary Miller
Maisie Nowlin
Sr. Josette Obodzinski
Judy Reitz
Bill Retzer
Mary Stark
Nora Sudetic
George Surovec
Herb Tippie
Georgieann Treible
Joe Wantz
Charlotte Whiting
Lillian Zahara

Pray for our Military
Jason Bochert
Elijah Brolly
Kurt Brown
Nathan Chomoa
Jeremy Cole
Matthew Craven
Josh Dunleavy
Martin Hartsel
Joe Isabella
Randy Kloos
Stephanie Lasch
Adam Lemmerman
Torrey Lynch
Ron McDough
Andrew J. McGinty
Owen McGrew
Jon Novak
Danny O'Malley
Sean P. O'Reilly
Nick Ortiz
Nico Russo
Tom Sarko
Matthew Shirley
Brady Smith
Edward Thomas
Jonah Treible
Lukas Whitney