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St. Mark School Endowment Burse

St. Mark Parish began setting aside parish savings specifically for the purposes of the school in the late 1970s, and in 2019 formally created the endowment burse, or a restricted fund governed by written rules and restrictions. The purpose of the endowment is to "provide for the operation, maintenance, capital requirements, student scholarships, and the continued existence of St. Mark Parish School". If you are interested, you are welcome to review the Declaration of Burse for the complete details.


We are proud and grateful that the school currently has a high enrollment, has a history of pursing grant moneys and other sources of funding, and overall is in a strong financial position. We do not need to draw from the endowment to operate the school; instead, this is a time that the endowment can be grown and built into a lasting support in case the future ever becomes more challenging. The endowment is invested in stocks and bonds, but with the socially responsible filters created by the USCCB to ensure that our investments are not causing harm to others.


If you care about the good work that has been done by St. Mark School, and have an interest in seeing it remain strong for our neighborhood and for future generations, we welcome your donation to the St. Mark School Endowment Burse.

Contact Information


(216) 226-7577

Staff directory

Parish Office Hours


Monday - Friday

9:00am - 4:00pm


Closed for lunch




15800 Montrose Ave.

Cleveland, OH  44111

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